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A shelf is a flat horizontal plane which is used in a home library

hospital workshop offices etc. to hold items of value that are

being displayed stored or offered for sale. It is raised off the

floor and usually anchored. It is supported on the short side by

brackets. It can also be held up by column or pillars. A shelf is

also known as a counter ledge a metal or a rack. Tables

designed to be placed against a wall possibly mounted are known

as a console tables and are similar to individual shelves (Femi


The proposed shelf will be reinforced with the use of shelf

buttresses creating room for neatness thereby curtailing accidents

in the office library hospitals stores workshops etc.

A shelf can also be attached to a wall or other vertical surfaces be

suspended from a ceiling be part of a free standing frame unit or

it can be part of a piece of furniture such as a cabinet bookcase

entertainment centre some headboards and so on.

Haruna T. 2008 maintained that usually two to seven shelves

makes up a unit each shelf being attached perpendicularly to the

vertical or diagonal support and positioned parallel one above the

other. Free-standing shelves can be accessible from either one

side or both longer length sides. A shelf with a hidden internal

bracket is termed a floating shelf. Shelves can be built with

materials like steel wood ceramic etc. (Jossop D. 1964).

The need for an effective and efficient maintenance of books in

the library files in offices spare parts in the workshops etc in

engineering cannot be overemphasized. An engineer is required to

be focused and organized hence a reinforced shelf for the safe

keeping of such records and other valuables becomes inevitable.

A reinforced office shelf is a cupboard with shelves for the safe

keep of spare parts mechanical tools and even for safe keep of

records both n offices library stores etc. This helps the engineer

to keep accurate records of documents and also machine parts.


The Greek were the first to introduce the use of furniture they

started with the use of stone and logs of wood. This stones were

carved but as modernization gradually crept in the wood grew to

recognition and most recently the use of metal and aluminum are

been introduced. After the retreat to the last ice age the hunter

community of the stone age began gradually acquiring skills in

craft work agriculture poultry and furniture (Sybil P. 1987)

Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 6th edition volume 1.

The first furniture existence can be found at Catal Hayuk in Turkey

dated 3000 BC. So for easy accessing of files or parts the

reinforced office shelf has which have shelves in order for easy

location of file or parts (Petrosko 1999). So for easy accessing of

files or parts the reinforced office shelf has shelves for easy

location of file or parts (Petrosko 1999).


As I was making my construction it was observed that when

welding the welding was perforating the metal so I have to adjust

the welding machine to the size of the metal that is been welded.

Insufficient and lack of durable shelves for use in the offices and

library in the mechanical engineering department of Kaduna

Polytechnic have to be looked into for remedy. In the

departmental library some valuable books and past projects were

stocked on the floor so there is also the need of a reinforced

standard bookshelves to stock these books and past projects.

In the past records and spare parts in the library workshops

hospitals offices were kept in sacks or on the ground while in the

offices files were kept on tables and when bulky it becomes

difficult to locate. This method of documentation and storng of

spare parts makes the office workshop hospitals dirty. Most

times the engineer have to search for a file or part for long before

locating it because of the unorganized form of arrangement

(Campard Carl 1990).

Sometimes the search becomes frustrating when he finally did not

locate such file or part after a long search.


The aim of this project is to fabricate a cost effective rigid and

durable reinforced book shelf suitable for the library in Mechanical

Engineering Department


(i) To fabricate and introduce new concepts and ideas for future

prospects of book racks.

(ii) To ease accessibility to files and spare parts in the


(iii) To minimize the manufacturing cost by minimizing the

complexity of the bookshelf and simulate the materials used

with cheaper materials but having high strength and


(iv) To obtain a cost effective bookshelf using locally sourced


(v) To fabricate a suitable and rigid bookshelf for use in the


(vi) To fabricate a durable book shelf that could be used in the

departmental laboratories or workshop for keeping

laboratory reports.


This project is limited to the fabrication of a bookshelf. All the

materials shall be locally sourced and the fabrication work shall be

carried out in the Mechanical Engineering Workshop.


The reinforced office bookshelf shall be fabricated with a 1 inch x 1

inch square mild steel pipe and mild steel flat plate and mild steel

flat bar. Welding method of fabrication shall be used to join the

parts. Other machines including the Drilling Riveting and centre

lathe shall be used. Past projects books internet etc. shall be

consulted for research materials.


This project enhanced the knowledge of engineering materials

fabrication processes such as welding drilling riveting as well as

use of centre lathe marking out filling and safety. It also

enhanced the knowledge of engineering materials in terms of

material selection different materials and their various properties

that enables them to fit into their various purposes perfectly.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

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Table of content
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